15. June 2019 · Comments Off on Discovering The Truth About Services · Categories: Technology

How to Remove Bed Bugs From Your Home

Bed bugs feed on the blood animals which are warm-blooded especially human beings. All bed bugs do not have the same color, but they have dark reddish after they feed on the blood of a person. The specific places where bed bugs are found include sofas, beds and other soft furnishings. Bed bugs feed on human blood at night since they prefer darkness. Bed bugs feed on people’s blood when they are asleep. Bed bugs have become a major concern in public and private sheltering areas. When you notice that you have bedbugs in your home, you need to remove them. Some of the ways of getting rid of bed bugs are discussed below.

All the clutter should be removed from the infested room. High chances are that you will find some bed bugs in the items found in a room infested with bed bugs. Remove all the personal items including blankets, electronics, and toys from the room. Items such as toys, blankets and electronics should be removed from the room. Hot water should be used to wash the blankets, bed linens and any other garments in order to kill any available bed bugs. A lot of care must be taken during the removal of the items to avoid transferring the bed bugs to other rooms.

Dismantle bed frames and dresser drawers. Most of the time bed bugs hide in furniture cracks. When you dismantle bed frames and dresser drawers, the bed bugs will be exposed. An insecticide or very hot water should be used to kill any bed bugs in the hiding places. To ensure that no bed bug is left on the dresser drawer and bed frames, you need to clean them thoroughly. Remove any fabric from the bed and also clean it. Covering the mattress can ensure that bed bugs do not enter or exit from the mattress. Any bed bugs between dresser drawers and walls should be exposed by pulling the dresser drawers away from the walls.

Using cleaning materials, you should clean the infested area. Clean the area using a stiff brush. All bed bugs’ eggs will be removed when such a brush is used. A vacuum cleaner should be used during the cleaning especially on the cracks and crevices of the furniture. Particles which are available in the cracks and crevices of the furniture will be removed, and hence the insecticide will penetrate in there. Any bed bugs available in the room will also be pulled by the vacuum cleaner.

Spray a bed bug insecticide in the room and furniture. The insecticide will kill any bed bugs left in the room. The insecticides to be used should be in liquid form. The ways mentioned above can be used in bed bugs removal.

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