13. June 2019 · Comments Off on The Essential Laws of Churches Explained · Categories: Relationships

Qualities of a Good Church in Summerville, SC

The world has very many types of religions that one can choose to follow. These religious people boast of similar ways of living, beliefs, and practices. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism are the religions with the most followers. The Christians gather in structures known as churches to worship and pray. Another name for the worshipers is also the church, and the denominations in the church are protestants, Catholics and orthodox.

Every church has a ministry that is sensitive to all different age groups as they all have different ways of understanding teachings. Children, students, teenagers, youth, men and women should have different ministries assembled for them. A good church organizes charity work and does a lot of helping in the community.

Church followers should be egged on to worship as one of their main traits. This is not just singing but having an intimate connection with your God. Through your Christian life one would worship God continuously as the church has made this possible. Discipleship is the other way a church should grow its followers. Church prosperity is not about the number of followers but ability of followers to contribute financially, sharing the word of God participating in missions and serving God. The church must also have firm Biblical doctrines one can find out by reading their confession of faith and listening to what is preached. The most vital doctrine to look out for is salvation and the Bible should inspire it.

God’s wrath to sin should be incorporated in the preacher’s word to their congregants. The leaders in the church should be Biblically skilled and be held accountable by God for their actions. Comforting and encouraging individuals to be part of the ministry as well as spreading God’s word. Leaders of the church should not use church discipline to shield themselves from those who are a threat to their power; church discipline ought to be done in a caring, gentle and loving manner with the intention of restoring a lost follower.

Good church traditions include grace, love, and peace and should welcome all people unconditionally. Followers should Biblically solve problems and not gossiping, slandering and bullying. The leader of the church should focus more on the personal growth of their church followers and not in the marketing techniques and management of the church resources. Shun churches that have self-loving preachers as only God should be worshiped in the church in truth and spirit.

For the good of your spiritual life a good church should feel like home, pay attention to what God’s word in the Bible says and what is taught in the church you settle on. The laws of any country should be followed by the church and not a church that encourages its members to disobey them.

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